Mohammad Reza Bakery Kashmar representative in the open session of parliament due to a dual approach with the Ministry of Culture reformist newspapers and conservative asked. He noted that the publications do not irreverent but authoritarian reformer media are banned.
Majlis Cultural Commission Bdrkhvast morning Islamic Guidance Minister Mohammad Hosseini was invited to the open session of the House of Representatives to answer questions.
During the meeting, Mohammad Reza Bakery representative of Kashmar dual approach because the Ministry of Culture with reformist newspapers and conservative asked. He noted that the publications do not irreverent but authoritarian reformer media are banned.
Bakery protest meeting today that when a Representative of the economic and cultural criticism is, newspapers do not dare publish it and are afraid to take note that the Ministry of Culture.
For example, he called the secretary of Supreme National Security Council on the dollar to oil issues raised and because of its insertion are fourteen newspaper noted.
He also disclosed that because of Tehran representative Motahari remarks published in the House have taken note of ten newspapers.
Bakery Minister of Culture asked how near affront to some media references to Gzryd why unilateral Brkhvrdtan is In his speech, he revealed that the journals "irreverent" prize trip to Umrah, but other publications to put interlunar banned. He protested that such a situation is not that "some people feel more secure and get prize."
Minister of Culture House in session today in defense of their policies explained in the discussion of war after the election and soft issues "natural" to provoke a "temptation" to intercept.
To justify his intervention in the contents of his house called the press for example subsidies is therefore a national primary, "the press should not question the go." He explained that the press no right to make the system pessimism.
Minister of Culture said that if someone "material damage system reason should take note."
In response to his remarks during a speech this Kashmar representative questions that "the issue Here is what interests the system?"
Kashmar agent at the end reminded that if the Minister of Culture for the same style of the house suitable knows "I'm not convinced he answers.