58 personalities and institutions from around the world during the call Saturday, July 24, 2010 (equivalent to 2 August 89) as the international day of global protest against the stoning Sakineh announced. Signatories of the notable figures and activists from Britain, America, India, Italy, Canada, France, Sweden, Poland, Bosnia, Belgium, Pakistan, South Africa, Nigeria, Iceland, Switzerland, Denmark, Australia and Germany are in the the fate of 43-year-old Sakineh Mohammadi Shtyanh risk of being executed in the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed concern and have declared: "We are the people in wherever Framykhvanym to convert to Saturday July 24 International Day Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani protests intensify their do. We want you to 2 pm Saturday afternoon in the city centers around the globe hold Sakineh photos and messages on his defense and also in protest against the stoning to death and let the streets. " This emphasis has been recalled at the end: "All day Saturday, July 24 at 2 pm Please join us and work integrated world anger against the medieval barbarism and support to humanity. Sakineh and children and many other are waiting for a decent stone such are supportive. " (Modified from the top 2)