Women's World: Children's Astmdadnamh Ashtiani, defendant sentenced to stoning. Do not leave my mother to stone! Today's hands are reaching the whole world. October five years without a mother and live in fear. Whether the world is so cruel that this tragedy could see and easily crossed it does our children are Ashtiani Sakineh Mohammadi. Farida and Sajjad Mohammadi Ashtiani. From adolescence with pain, we know that our mother is in jail and we have sat waiting for a disaster. Frankly, the word stoned, itself so scary is that we never try Let's not use it. We say, our mother is in danger, my mother may be killed and my mother are all waiting to help her.
Today almost all the roads dead end and our mother's lawyer mother tells us the situation is dangerous, you'll get appealed. We will resort to people in the world, does not care what color their skin or in which country and city living, you people of Iran, to all those who have won plus pain and wounds that killed a family of dear how terrible, we will resort to. We can help mothers return home!
We especially helping hand towards the Iranians are reaching everywhere. Help this nightmare is not realized. Help us save the mother to find. Really explain and second moments of our life is very hard. Words against this fear, lose their speech ...
Mother will help us save. Write a letter urging the authorities to release him. Tell him no, and no private plaintiff has not done anything. Our mother should be killed. Can this letter someone to help us hear and Bshtabd.
Farida and children Sakineh Mohammadi Sajad Ashtiani