News Hrana - the forty days of illegal and inhumane prisoner of conscience 5 (Kamangar, Farhad Vakili, Ali Heidarian, sweet science, and Mehdi Hvly Aslamyan ) passes in Evin prison, the security apparatus continues to give back their Pykrhay and of course the Governor refused to bury the body of Kurdistan as claimed by anonymous, lives in Chlhm Bakhtgan and the occasion "without shroud dormancy" These people, unpublished letter from Farzad Kamangar, a teacher died from Agence Hrana be selected and published .
It explained, Kamangar Tasy this letter with a story written by prisoners in the sixties, about the prisoners who have severe weakness of vision due to torture and beating and is forced to break his glasses instead of glass, a piece of cardboard to put on his glasses and this is the last image he has seen mothers in prison, political prisoners referred to later be tortured and killed in Gori anonymous and unmarked burial will be, this letter Kamangar mother This offer was a political prisoner .
Prison stories and tons of whip, fist and prisons, fire rope and neck and skin and heart lead
Hymnal prison for keeping hope alive, prison is a window to a bright future,
First - Santiago, Chile:
Gary crushing torture in the hands of his prisoner does not loop is to the guitar and lullaby songs for children Nsrayd Chile, but he continued to read
Come Come Come
Come Verde Road in the area are Nvrdym
Another future work is the genesis
Years later: Chilean newspaper headline "comfortable sleep dictator man"
Guitarist and a poet is to decorate the Court and the Court House King Sharshan Mynaznd
Preview II - Soviet prisons - Stalin:
"Brya" to Qsavt piece will take to exile anyone to think of such dissidents
Several decades later!
Class lad reading history and listening country name Brya saliva ground throws and another young book with pages torn anger does.
Third picture - the 80 deaths, Iraq
Convoy of women and girls and for children and young and old the desert, "Salman theory" are driven to be the Anfal, childhood Rvsksh are attached to the chest and eyes open to the stars and below enumerates Khrvar to be buried girl under the eyes before Smtsh ripped Ali Hassan Majid to violate their takes.
In the third millennium: Khvahrkan me without a wedding garment, with clean solar Tabvtshan role that is closed to returns to hometown.
Halabja reckless child on a photo and statue of Saddam Myshashd.
Young Shia screams when executed dictator Go to Hell
Kurdish and Baghdad palace steps and puts Saddam beard laughs
Fourth picture - virgin land in prison in Turkey, 80 deaths
General jailed for breaking his resistance to his family and imprisoned for rape to keep alive their Nowruz Nowruz fire is eternal
New Year 2009, Children Diyarbakir on every corner precipitous General Coward song to the head and a population of millions gathered around the fire New Year are a general fire Coward thought is suppressed
Final image: 60 decades Evin - Tehran
Prisoners with broken glasses for the last time the mother goes to visit him until the last image the Earth with the heart take a few weeks later, clothes and broken glasses to his mother.
Years later: Another prisoner at Evin prison for the fiancé and the girl writes letters to her grandmother broken glasses in his hand that reads like this:
Let no stone anywhere in the world and cross the broken Gori remain missing name
Let the soil become one, let reset Azadeh survey is rooted in their hearts and the sky Mysayd.
Let unmarked remain "future of it is shrouded dormancy"