Abstract: The large masses of millions of people today who see the sticker on seeking women, men, elders and young people who run and having cultural revealed in public protests and Jmhay most vulgar words and sentences on the language take place and these people, beautiful video and posters have made meaningful gift to each other and have videos and photos of life and struggle of countless people have produced and distributed grief and pain have their everlasting.
Password: Mir Hossein Mousavi anniversary presidency issued a statement. Prime Minister of the country's eight years in this statement, a charter for the green movement has developed, including objectives, strategy and identity, and the green movement as proposed text for the green movement and sight to judge public opinion and experts has. According to Statement 18 and the Charter of the word Green is the following:
Name of God
In my first year presidential term with noble stature, although flogging eaten, injured and spent standing. With demands to achieve freedom, social justice and the realization of national sovereignty and to help ensure the victory of the Prophet, because the adjudication but what people have asked.
"Fama Alzbd Fyzhb Jfa’ but we Ynf Alnas Fymks corruptor"
But the bottom strand and between the river, but what will benefit people on Earth remains.
Lies, fraud and violating been used in the election, the question "Where is my vote?" Was born, and your people, clear and without ambiguity in the way of peaceful demonstrations and unique historical Persian date Khordad 1388 25 powerful question-and long- 'll tell only those who shout and ignorance and superstition and false worship and benefit their eyes and ears were closed, national and world heard and saw all of it. But what was the response? Except hot awl and kill and incarcerate prisoners naked and chained to the tone and attack handling of student residences?
Certainly disasters Package and homicide by days 25 and 30 June and from the collective memory of Ashura nation will not be deleted, and should not be too clean and betraying the innocent blood of the martyrs is. How can we direct people and arrows below them by the police car forget.
Blood and suffering, but the curtains of deception and naivete Drydnd totalitarianism and the institutional corruption behind the curtains of Hippo said, and this view shows how bitter and events Dolatian interaction with people of all strata of our nation's workers, teachers, students, journalists, Teachers, Clergymen, entrepreneurs, merchants, women, men, youth and elders and all the activists, social movements and poor and middle classes showed that the root of their problems, what are.
That our nation's most executions than populations in the world, is guilty of crime, due to decamp and management of justice and good governance in our society. And even interest daily and emergency rule has been that caused totalitarianism and Dolatian the lies and corruption and superstition and initiate violated the constitution and other laws give an indication of the profound influence of this ugliness in the inner system, the rational The firm built the layers are formed to defend the interests of the hundreds of billions of dollars from oil revenue and 70 billion dollars in annual imports of goods and domination on fiscal and monetary institutions without effective supervision comes.
Today's treasury risk predatory pillage is still St oriented nation, despite the isolation and identification and referral of severe orders and trial corrupters what is seen. Where it was big file that was opened in the House and overnight in a mutually beneficial deal is closed?
Who has the courage to file transfer big excuse to implement Article 44 of the centers of power and influence to open and the curtains of this great national plunder, which led to great economic monopolies is Brkshd? Who has the courage of its lack of disaster minimal supervision on financial security and military institutions and quasi-governmental economic space across the country have influenced the tail estimate? And our nation open question whether the regime was fair and that we followed. Transparency in the nation against what the problem is that the secrecy of the people took refuge? Will the golden principle of transparency in government against the people of Hiroshima Jamaran old language that has been said: "Do something that people can not explain."
The Fellowship's Green path
A year of unprecedented emergence of green movement in this period has passed and the distance of many Greens in the hope to have this path. Blessing of the heart slice Dolatian assistance on their homes and to bring prayer and put them develop social networking relationships to be stable between people of Atkayy been established and stable social networks in the area of political awareness - social and cultural miracle have . Artistic production is enough only to network and exchange rate and comment news and information and analysis that is completely democratic process will be looked at. Green wave of discussion about the important and decisive issues in the public domain between people created by the We have contemporary masterpiece.
Today more than ever by people aggressors to know the basic rights of nations and repeated violations of human rights and human dignity in the security system - are legal consciousness and the country know how totalitarian a member of the National Covenant in particular trample on rights Basic people have gone before. And yet despite the bitter and bitter and bloody events, interaction and dialogue to bless same collective wisdom of people always feel they have overcome all malice, and therefore efforts were damaged and dead people could be seen and to imprisonment are forced to violence. Struggle through peaceful resistance and the most effective weapon against our bullets, and electric and Batvmhay Chmaqdaran and broadsword Keshani Byfrhng and bad mouth has been.
Great masses of millions of people today who see the sticker in seeking women, men, elders and young people who run and having cultural revealed in public protests and Jmhay most vulgar words and sentences on the language and they These people, instead, made beautiful video and posters to each other meaningful gifts have videos and countless photographs of life and struggle of the people have produced and distributed grief and their pain has such timeless:
Tfly name is lost happiness Dyryst
With eyes shining bright
Gysvyy top with long wish
Everyone has his address
News to us
This also shows us
One hand, Persian Gulf
The dissidents Caspian *
Green Hope Fellowship Road
At the beginning of New Year patience, to recommend a charter for friends and strengthen coordination and empathy more common identity made the green movement that is dedicated to continuing this introduction.
It is natural that the proposed text can not respond to all tastes and demands are. This little encouragement with this problem, a solution that some voters ahead of elections last year found. The Green Chain Tajrish Square to Railroad Square were among those who said bad and worse, evil and choose this option, the chain tight integration Bhyad lasting making it possible. Real reform from the same clean and accountability for this choice or it starts.
This text is the first step in the evolution of their Green God willing, the text will be created perfect and beautiful.
"Tlk Eldar Alakhrh Njlha Llzyn La La Yrydvn Lva corruptor and Fsada and Alaqbh Llmtqyn"
And the hereafter for those who want to appoint Brtryjvyy and corruption in the earth are not good and it appeals to the righteous.
Root of and objectives
1 - Incidence of various deviations and obstacles in the path gradually organized goals and ideals such as justice, independence, liberty and the people of the Islamic Republic because of the glorious Islamic Revolution to their feet to the emergence of totalitarian tendencies among some government officials, violate the fundamental rights of citizens, disrespect to human dignity, public mismanagement, increasing the distance class and economic and social deprivation, the aversion Bell illegalities some law enforcement, ignoring national interests and adventures in demagogically international interactions, a slow and painful oblivion ethics and spirituality for power factors that maturing attitudes toward protest among Dlsvkhtgan, Drdmndan and demos in recent years led to the incidence of obvious and powerful people in the green movement in Iran after the Election in 1388 seem to .
2 - Green with adherence to the principles and fundamental human values, moral and religious Iranian reformer and its filter process in the Islamic Republic of Iran in the years after the revolution and knows Based on this movement within the constitution and respect to consider and vote people will face their efforts.
3 - Green movement in the continuing effort to reach the Iranian people for freedom and social justice and national sovereignty is the realization that prior to this point such as the Constitutional Revolution, and oil nationalization movement Islamic Revolution has made its smart.
4 - Refresh the contemporary experience in an effort to realize the grand goals of social Iranian people that only by strengthening civil society, development of social dialogue atmosphere, improving the knowledge and free flow of information, effective participation of parties and organizations, as well as background processing for intellectuals and free activities Activists - Political loyalty to national interests within the framework of development you want and change the status quo can be practical objectives of the green movement, and this requires consensus and an emphasis on common principles and demands minimal and the interactions and coordination among all forces that Ali Despite having an independent identity, accepting diversity within the movement, under the umbrella of universal movement are put together.
Roadworks fundamental
1 - Green, a sweeping social movement that never Mbry their error and not a rejection of any absolute Angard Negri Shrek stained, on Review and discuss the expansion of space inside and outside the movement insists. Watch Journey to move and all the Movement's activists and especially the owners of critical thought and action that can slip movement from the abyss of totalitarianism and corruption is beware.
2 - Look at the green movement activists, all the people of Iran want the Irani are a proud and glorious. Green has agreed to monopolize Vmkhalf plurality. As a result, hostility and malice with social housing in any part of society where no movement. Efforts for dialogue and interaction with competitors and opponents in a healthy environment and awareness about the purposes and principles of the movement task all those who consciously among their activists Angarnd green. We are all Iranians and Iran belongs to all of our
3 - Develop and activate social networks - real and virtual - and deepen the dialogue on climate goals and the foundations of identity is central to the movement of solutions that require special attention to all the green activists.
4 - Green While persistently emphasized the independence and boundaries Ghyrmly and foreign forces, in search of a way to isolate the dissidents with anti-dogmatic tendencies not captured not. Justice, freedom, independence, dignity and spirituality are universal values and learning experience from which nations attempt to achieve these values have also welcomed the review and comment Mshfqanh all Zdykhvahan outcome for peace and human freedom and dignity try Other ways to work movement.
Identity green
Treasury Iran- Islamic:
1 - Green accepting diversity within the movement continued presence of religion Rahmani rich mercy, compassion, spirituality, ethics and respect of human stress and ways to strengthen the religious values in society and strengthen the moral aspects of Islam and Rahmani, Islamic Republic of Iran knows. Create links between Iranian heritage - Islamic and passion to develop and progress in society, avoiding people reluctant to Tqyd platform, professional and special procedures and tools to use to fight religion and religious institutions and spiritual independence from the government the only way to maintain the position sublime faith and continue its prominent role in society as one of the fundamental principles of the green movement in miniature instead of affairs are.
2 - Password survival of Iranian civilization - indeed coexistence and convergence of religious and national values in the history of this land is. In this respect, preserve and strengthen the green movement on the Iranian culture and values of high capital accumulated rich in traditions and national occasions stressed in this way and loves Tqdszdayy of prejudice and misplaced identity features proved Gahybkhshy about national and religious rituals Hammett gives his perspective.
3 - The Iranian nation on their own struggles for freedom and independence, often self-esteem and unity over principles is shown. Green Iranian nation with reliance on this precious heritage and relying on collective wisdom and rejecting any egocentric and selfish in trying to achieve their goals, achieve consensus on the features of conscious identity and proved Tshtt elements aside from the desired and this that the only possible rationality to Tka knows that the sum of Khrdhay and rationality-based system is monotheistic.
4 - Green Iranian movement - of which seek to Irani, free, and advanced. Accordingly, every Iranian who resort to the collective wisdom of the monotheistic as the basis for efforts to create a better tomorrow for their homeland to accept the green movement among activists is considered. Movement "in Iran belongs to all Iranians knows."
People's sovereignty
1 - people rule their own destiny, including the green movement is inevitable compromise principles and institutions selected as the most appropriate way to achieve this principle takes into account the movement. According to Bryan, the green movement for its efforts to protect the votes until the establishment of the electoral system of free, competitive, fair and Ghyrgzynshy transparency and health is guaranteed Kamlaqabl will continue.
Origin of the people vote and the legitimacy of political power and the green movement exercise any jurisdiction under the arbitrary and selective surveillance of approval contrary to the constitution, the fundamental right to self-determination Vhqvq Anha people know and it will struggle.
2 - goals such as liberty and justice only by attention to national interests and maintaining independence is possible. Green Aware of this, any action contrary to national interest and violates the principle of independence is to combat this problem among their central criteria knows.
Rate of movement green
Dignity of human beings to and avoid the violence
1 - Consider first the social value of the green movement to defend fundamental human dignity Vhqvq regardless of ideology, religion, gender, ethnicity and social status. Establish and guarantee human rights standards as one of the important achievements of the human and the collective wisdom of all humans and approved by the Green movement is emphasized. This is God-given rights and no ruler, government, parliament or the power can not cancel them or to limit the arbitrary and unjustified. This requires respect for the realization of principles such as equality, tolerance, dialogue, peaceful conflict resolution and peaceful in the light of creating open areas for activities of independent media, to avoid censorship, free access to information, expand and deepen the community civil, respect for privacy, free social networking activities and reform of non-governmental rules and regulations to eliminate any discrimination between citizens is possible.
2 - Green is a civic movement to avoid violence and move within the standards of civil fighting puts his frontispiece. This movement, Convinced that "the people" the only victims of violence in any field will discuss, struggle and resort to peaceful non-violent solutions to value irreversible damage knows. Green the conditions and requirements of all capacities will use nonviolent direct action.
Justice, freedom and equality
3 - Justice possessing place among the values and ideals to the green movement offers. Fair distribution of resources, both in the economic, political, social, and whether other dimensions of human life, including the objectives of the green movement is inevitable compromise is needed to achieve it, all efforts may be performed.
Justice in society is possible only if the ruling system in the country - in the realm of foreign and domestic - completely independent and free from dependence on political institutions and power, and economic class act and could boost the country's economic development and so that prosperity and social justice for all people of Iran to provide, to ensure.
4 - Green Considering the demand and supply necessary demands the right of all classes and social strata, the link with the middle classes and low-income communities - a response to pressures from social / political are weaker - insists. This movement inspired by the principle of the ninth constitution, take away the basic rights of people with the name of preserving the independence and territorial integrity and oppose independence with emphasis on political, cultural, economic and military, the only way to protect national interests and defending the homeland borders, " people rule their own destiny, "knows all aspects.
5 - to establish freedom and equality goals of Islamic Revolution is undeniable that the green movement also emphasizes the need to achieve it. Denying any intellectual monopoly, as well as media and political struggle with the physical elimination of any ideas and views in the green movement is in miniature goals. This is necessary in order for the liberation of people from any political domination (despotism and monopoly), social (discrimination and social inequality) and cultural (and dependence on intellectual Tqyd) is trying. Green support for women's rights, gender discrimination and denial of any rights of minorities and ethnic groups are particularly emphasized.
6 - Green on the belief that security is the only state security, human security, individual citizens in Iran. Security sections of people should be established free from fear and free from the need to live under the protection of the law. Military and police intervention in political affairs, responsible for any non-interference in the affairs of the police and security forces dominated the government and security authorities disruptive nation. Independence of the judiciary, non-interference in military affairs and dealing with economic and political organizers and members of uniformed groups called green movement is serious demands.
7 - Run all the principles of the constitution and in particular the principles of monitoring people's rights (Chapter III) Nonrenewable and purpose and urged the green movement is imminent.
8 - The release of political prisoners, removing restrictions against illegal security Look parties and groups and social movements like women's movement, student movement, labor movements, social movements and the like, as well as fair and those responsible for fraud perpetrated elections, torture and killing of protesting the election results, and disclosure and prosecution of theorists and advocates of violence in various layers of government strategies is clear that this area should be considered.
Moral orientation and respect for individual creativity and social
1 - the same time be acknowledged that the wrong policies of political, social, economic decline of the ruling reduced the level of ethics and social capital in society has resulted. Green movement, emphasizing the need to restore ethics as a common denominator of social life and splicer Iranian people in their struggles to implement people's rights, to fully adhere to ethical principles would be.
2 - Green party can not know and not focused on a set of individuals and organizations without objective undetected. Browse historical experience shows that Iranians are always in the minority fraction and historical consciousness, and ability to understand his sublime Mnsh have brought the emergence of relying on their creative powers, the way to achieving its goals are paved.
Green-based principles and their fundamental principles, relying on social networks to understand, thought and innovation Civil Iranian nation relies on achieving the ideals such as justice, freedom and creativity to the flourishing of this subject knows. The slogan "every Iranian, a campaign" can now slogan "Every Iranian, a" movement become.
The integration and negotiation
1 - Green followed with goals and ideals of the Islamic Revolution and constant readout relying on critical developments took place after the revolution - especially in the realm of nation and government relations - a member of the Covenant All times are Iranian people that the constitution, in pursuing future clear to the nation of Iran.
2 - In this context, "Run without Tnazl constitution," the main solution and the green movement is fundamental. This movement believes that only a return to law and the obligation to observe its various institutions dealing with violators of the law in every position and the position can be different from the crisis that has Damngyr found relief in the way of progress and development of homeland removal step. Green yet fully notes that Qanvngrayy means used by the rulers of the law is a tool. Must be provided by the law of unjust violence and obscene violation of the fundamental rights of citizens and not be violence, injustice and discrimination is not legal.
3 - including national laws and constitution texts are not immutable and eternal. Every nation has the right to correct the course of their motion, to amend the laws to take action. It should be noted, but only changed in the constitution is accepted that in the process of negotiation and social dialogue and partnership with all sectors and social groups and to avoid monopoly and atherosclerosis and bullying done.
4 - Expand and strengthen the public sphere of civil society among the green movement is a fundamental principle. This movement believes that national interests and goals of the Islamic Revolution and also to reduce unpleasant consequences of the crisis requires negotiation and dialogue between representatives of different groups and political thought and therefore any call for negotiation and dialogue in order to clear people's rights and social conflict would welcome.
5 - The movement of the power demand to the economy in the international scene and investment and increase the purchasing power of the people of Iran. Green wants foreign policy based on rational and Ztmnd transparent and constructive interaction with the world and rejection of diplomacy and adventure Commons Frybanh promote their great nation and history in the world.
With small Green
Mir-Hossein Mousavi